Membership (Application)


The John Calvin Schools have been established by the Free Reformed School Association (FRSA), which is an Association made up of members of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia.

Our Membership base is made up of those with and without children at school; those married, unmarried, widowed, elderly as well as the youth.  Within our church community we see it as our individual responsibility to assist with nurturing the children of the church.  We see the importance of teaching the next generation to know their covenant God!  For this reason we count it a joy and a privilege to be part of this wonderful work in providing life-long financial support to the FRSA in order that it has the means to provide a Reformed Christian Education to these young children.

By Constitution all Members of the FRSA are required to be a member of one of the Free Reformed Churches, which in turn means that all FRSA supporters subscribe to the Reformed Confessions of the Church.  As a result, all our members support the Christian Worldview taught at school in a way that aligns with what the children are taught at home and in the church.  This close-knit home-church-school relationship provides the children with a solid Reformed Christian basis for their growth and development.

If you would like to know more about the Free Reformed Churches and what we believe, please click here or alternatively please contact us.

If you are a member of the Free Reformed Church (or are currently in the process of becoming a Member of the Free Reformed Church) and would like to apply for Membership of the FRSA, please complete the Membership Application Form below.


Free Reformed School Association – Membership Application Form

Operating John Calvin Schools in Armadale, South West, Byford, Kelmscott and Rockingham

    Membership Type

    The majority of memberships are required to be at this level in order for the schools to remain financially stable. Members hold voting rights and the enrolment of children into the John Calvin Primary Schools and the John Calvin Christian Colleges.

    For youth who are working part time or full time and are members of a youth Bible study club within the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. These members will receive school related correspondence. Youth members are encouraged to consider full membership upon earning an adult wage. (Weekly contribution: 40% of full membership)

    Provides students studying part time or full time with the opportunity to support the schools at an affordable level. Student members are encouraged to consider full membership once they have graduated and begin earning a full wage. (Weekly contribution: 10% of full membership)

    This membership can be offered to existing full members who can no longer afford full membership contributions and yet wish to show continued commitment to the FRSA. Available to members who meet all of the following criteria: 1.Have retired from full time employment 2. Have reached the pension eligibility age 3. Have honoured their membership obligations in the past (Contributions may not be less than one third of the current Membership Fee. Full Membership Privileges apply)

    Payment Options

    1.Free Reformed School Association Bank Details - School Fees Account Bank Name:Westpac Branch: Armadale BSB Number: 036-032 Account Number: 207-238

    2. John Calvin School Building Fund* Bank Details Bank Name: WestpacArmadale BSB Number: 036-224 Branch: Account Number: 174-944 *Payments made to the Building Fund are tax deductible

    an additional amount towards the Building & Maintenance Fund per bank details (option 2) above

    Direcly pay into the Association's Bank Account (as listed above)

    Cash or cheque placed in the school box at the rear of my church

    From my wages (school employees only)