Introducing the Free Reformed School Association
Non Video/Audio Presentations
John Calvin School's Sevenfold Blessings
Together…Nurturing God's Children as Royal Children
28th June 2019 - FRSA Catchment Meeting
Christian Worldview in Practice Pre-Primary
6th May 2021 - AGM Presentation
Teachers Conference 2021 - Literacy - A Biblical Perspective - Rev R Bredenhof
19th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - Literacy - A Biblical Perspective
Teachers Conference 2021 - A Mystery of Transformational Learning - A Terpstra
19th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - A Mystery of Transformational Learning
Teachers Conference 2021 - Numeracy - A Biblical Perspective - Rev C Vermeulen
20th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - Numeracy a Biblical Perspective
Teachers Conference 2021 - A Biblical Approach to Wellness - Rev D Poppe
20th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - A Biblical Approach to Wellness
Teachers Conference 2021 - Opening Address by Board Chairman - H Dykstra
19th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - Opening Address by Board Chairman
Teachers Conference 2021 - Opening Address by CEO - DJ Swarts
20th July 2021 - Teachers Conference - Opening Address by CEO
KJCS 40th Anniversary